Tina is one of the Austrian Top Talents in her age group. A real Football Player with all needed skills and the right mentality. With havin quite many matches played for Austrian`s U – teams, she gained a lot of experience in the international environment. Her technical skills are outstanding. Her mentality is strong. Gaining experience in Bundeliga will help Tina to do the next step, get further educated and growing. A path, which will be interesting to follow in the National teams as well.
haxthaus is the intermediary and agency of Tina Krassnig.
Nationality: | Austria |
Date of Birth: | 5. March 2007 |
Height: | 1,67 m |
Position: | Forward |
Foot: | Both |
Current Club: | FC Bergheim (Bundesliga Austria) |
Former Clubs: | ÖFB |